Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nursing Care Plan for Pain

Pain is the most common reason a person seeking medical assistance. Pain occurs with the disease process, diagnostic examination and treatment process. Pain is very disturbing and difficult for many people. The nurse could not see and feel the pain experienced by the client, because pain is subjective (between one individual to another individual is different in addressing the pain). Nurses provide nursing care to clients in various situations and circumstances, which provide interventions to improve comfort. According to some theories of nursing, comfort is the basic requirement that the client is the goal of providing nursing care. The statement was supported by Kolcaba who said that comfort is a state has fulfilled basic human needs.

According to the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), pain is a subjective sensory and emotional unpleasant obtained related to actual or potential tissue damage, or described the condition of the damage.

Specificity theory "suggest" states that pain is a sensory-specific that arise because of the injury and the information is obtained through peripheral and central nervous system through the pain receptors in the peripheral nerves and specific pain in the spinal cord.
In general, nursing defines pain as anything that hurts the body of individuals who experience it who said, whenever there is an individual who said it.

Pain is tiring and requires a lot of energy
Pain is subjective and individualized
Pain can not be objectively assessed as X-rays or lab blood
Nurses can assess patients' pain just by looking at behavioral and physiological changes of client statements
Only the client knows when the pain arises and what it's like
Pain is a physiological defense mechanism
Pain is a warning sign of tissue damage
Pain started the inability
The false perception that pain causes pain management so it is not optimal

In summary, pain Mahon suggested the following attributes:
Pain relief is an individual
Pain is not fun
Is a strength that dominate
Are endless